Engineer meets Physician conference 2024 - 28 & 29 May 2024 (Roeselare)

Waar? RADar Learning and Innovation Centre, Deltalaan 1 - 8800 Roeselare

Wanneer? 28.05.2024 tot 29.05.2024

RADar Innovation Center at AZ Delta invites you to EmP2024, the second Engineer meets Physician conference, on May 28th and 29th, 2024.

In the dynamic landscape of healthcare data, EmP2024 brings together engineers and physicians. The program highlights key data & AI aspects with insights from national and international speakers. Accreditation will be sought from RIZIV once all speakers are confirmed.

EmP2024 is committed to fostering collaboration between healthcare engineers and physicians, supporting professionals in enhancing patient outcomes. Get a feel for the conference atmosphere by watching the EmP2022 video and secure your spot for online or live attending (early bird till first of March).

For sponsorship inquiries, contact

We look forward to an inspiring and collaborative experience.

Best regards,
The EmP2024 Steering Committee